We pride ourselves on helping our clients achieve the best possible outcome from the NDIS plan application process.
Our Support Coordinators help clients get the best out of their NDIS Plan. With a wide range of networks that we can tap into, we connect you with therapists, equipment specialists and support services that will help you achieve your and your family’s goals.
Your appointed Support Coordinator will help you do what it takes to create the most appropriate plan and follow through with it to achieve your goals.
We value and appreciate the importance of getting the most out of your NDIS package, and receive high quality services for the best price possible.
We align our pricing to the most up-to-date NDIS price guide, never charging individuals more than the amounts listed in the NDIS price guide.
The NDIA reviews the NDIS price guide annually and sets prices that reflect wage inflation, market trends and ensure the NDIS remains sustainable.
We believe that individuals have the right to make decisions and be involved in their life planning: the right to access, equality and inclusion for all people irrespective of race, religion, culture, gender or sexual preference.
All individuals have the right to participate and be recognised as making a contribution.
People with disabilities have the same right as any other member of the Australian community to pursue any grievance associated with services provided, and appropriate support coordination and planning is critical to unlocking that from the NDIS application process.
We therefore always include participants in planning and decision-making and value and respect participants’ choices, we listen, and we act.
To see how we can assist you with support coordination for your first NDIS Plan or Plan Review meeting, get in touch with us through this page.